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Refurbished MRI: Hitachi Airis II Open MRI Review

Medical imaging technology continues to make leaps and bounds, creating an ever-evolving landscape for healthcare providers. In the midst of this evolution, Mansa Medical stands as a reliable partner, offering an extensive range of medical imaging equipment, and wants to help you decide on the right machine for your practice with our Hitachi Airis II Open MRI review. With a blend of state-of-the-art technology, superior imaging capabilities, and attractive pricing, this refurbished MRI machine constitutes an excellent investment for hospitals and clinics alike, especially those with budgetary concerns.

Benefiting from Refurbished MRIs: A Strategic Investment

When it comes to equipping a medical facility, every decision carries weight, especially for budget-conscious hospital and clinical administrators. As we review our Hitachi Airis II Open MRI we’d like you to consider how refurbished MRIs offer numerous benefits that can significantly enhance the value of your investment, especially for those adhering to a budget:


  • Cost Efficiency: Refurbished units often cost significantly less than new machines, allowing you to secure high-performing technology at a fraction of the original price. The Hitachi Airis II Open MRI, for example, can fall within the affordable range of $50,000 – $75,000.
  • Performance and Reliability: Refurbished doesn’t mean reduced performance. At Mansa Medical, we ensure our refurbished MRI machines meet rigorous standards of functionality and durability, providing reliable imaging capabilities comparable to new units.
  • State-of-the-art Technology: Budget constraints shouldn’t restrict access to advanced technology. By choosing a refurbished unit, you gain access to high-end models that might otherwise be unaffordable. The Hitachi Airis II Open MRI, for instance, incorporates RAPID, a sophisticated image processing system.
  • Lower Depreciation: The value of new medical equipment tends to depreciate rapidly. By opting for a refurbished model, you can reduce the financial impact of this depreciation, ensuring a higher return on your investment.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Opting for refurbished equipment reduces the demand for new production, contributing to sustainability and eco-friendliness.
  • Comprehensive Support: Purchasing a refurbished unit from a reputable provider like Mansa Medical ensures you receive comprehensive post-sale support, including installation, maintenance, and training, further enhancing the value for your investment.

By investing in a refurbished Hitachi Airis II Open MRI, you’re making a budget-wise decision that delivers on performance, patient comfort, and cutting-edge technology. If you have any questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

A Detailed Look at the Specs

Our Hitachi Airis II review starts by mentioning its unquestionable leads in its class. Featuring a low field magnet strength of 0.3T, this MRI machine strikes the perfect balance between patient comfort and high-resolution imaging. Notably, it’s equipped with a spacious, patient-friendly open gantry design, reducing feelings of claustrophobia often associated with MRI scans.

Furthermore, the Hitachi Airis II open MRI includes RAPID, a well-reviewed system for advanced imaging processing, that enhances images with impressive speed and precision. Its compact design, requiring less physical space compared to higher field models, proves advantageous for facilities with space constraints.


Equipment Specs:

  • Open 0.3 T Permanent Magnet, Cryogen Free
  • Operator Workstation Flat Screen Monitor
  • Software Level 5.1H
  • Scanning Sequences: 2D/3D SG, 2D/3D
  • RF-Soiled SARGE (RSSG)
  • Time-Reversed SARGE (TRSG)
  • MR Angio, Fast Spin Echo
  • Patient table: 80cm wide
  • Table height: 18” minimum
  • Weight Capacity: 500 lb.
  • Size: 6.6ft. horizontal x 8.2ft. Vertical
  • Room Size Needed: 388 sq. ft. minimum site plan
  • Power: 208v single phase power
  • Power Consumption: Low 3KW average

Balancing Capabilities with Practicalities

An essential consideration when purchasing any piece of medical equipment involves comparing its capabilities to similar units. Despite its low field strength, our Hitachi Airis II Open MRI review found that it produces high-quality images comparable to 1.5T models.

Moreover, the MRI machine facilitates a diverse range of scans, including abdominal, cranial, spinal, and musculoskeletal imaging. Its features like open design, lower noise production, and ease of operation make it a popular choice among healthcare providers and patients alike.

Considering Limitations: A Comparison to 1.5T and 3T Models

While the Hitachi Airis II Open MRI offers numerous advantages after review, we recognize the importance of understanding its limitations when compared to 1.5T and 3T models. Given its lower field strength, the Airis II may take longer to produce detailed images. This factor can influence the choice of medical providers who routinely perform complex imaging.

Also, certain specific applications, like cardiac imaging or spectroscopy, might not yield optimal results compared to higher field strength MRI machines. Therefore, while it provides excellent performance in many areas, its suitability will depend on specific imaging needs.

Understanding the Investment: Pricing for Refurbished Units

At Mansa Medical, we ensure that our MRI machines combine performance, reliability, and affordability. A refurbished Hitachi Airis II Open MRI generally falls within the $50,000 – $75,000 range, offering a more budget-friendly option when reviewed alongside newer machines without compromising on image quality or durability.

Altogether, we stand behind our Hitachi Airis II review. With its compelling blend of features and competitive pricing, it presents a promising opportunity for hospitals and clinics looking to upgrade their medical imaging capabilities. For more details about its features, capabilities, and pricing, contact our team at Mansa Medical. Let us guide you in making the best decision for your medical imaging needs.