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Quality Reconditioned 64 Slice CT Machine for Sale

Twice the speed and image quality as the 16 slice, the 64-slice CT is often recommended for practices doing heavy cardiac work.

Our refurbished 64-slice CT scanners are offered by Mansa Medical for the following manufacturers: GE Lightspeed VCT 64, Siemens Sensation 64 and more. All 64-slice CT scanners for sale from Mansa Medical are reconditioned by qualified, professional engineers. We are your one stop shop for CT scanner sales, consulting, project management, site planning, delivery and installation. Learn more about our process.

It is our goal to ensure that every customer is 100% satisfied with their pre-owned imaging system, and we aim to be your long-term partner and resource for pre-owned CT scanners. Contact us today about our CT Scanner Machines for sale!

GE Lightspeed VCT 64

GE Lightspeed VCT 64

Type: CT
Brand: GE
Model: 64 Slice
Description: The reconditioned GE LightSpeed VCT is a whole body, high-resolution 64-slice CT system, and features 40 mm coverage of patient anatomy per rotation and 64 slices at 0.625 mm. The LightSpeed VCT offers 5-beat cardiac covering 137.5 mm per second and is designed to produce advanced cardiac and neuroimaging using SnapShot Pulse™ ideal for angiography, cardiac, neuro, pediatric, pulmonary, and trauma.

Key Features

  • Economical 64-slice CT system
  • High-definition image quality with less dose and efficient workflow
  • Excellent cardiac imaging and workflow efficiency with an integrated gating system
  • Trusted performance with high uptime
  • NEMA XR-29 Smart Dose Standard compliant
  • SafeCT Low-dose Solution
  • Configuration: Multislice helical
  • # of slices: 64
  • Power: 380-480 VAC, 3-phase, 63-111 kVA
  • Siting Requirements: 24 m2 (floor space needed)

Equipment Specs

  • 0.33mm isotropic resolution (standard)
  • 0.24mm isotropic resolution (with z-UHR option)
  • Cardiac imaging rotation time of .33 seconds
  • UDF detector
  • Spiral artifact-free imaging
  • STRATON X-ray tube technology
  • z-Sharp technology
  • Routine exam detection of soft plaques
  • 70% reduction in radiation dose
  • Sub-millimeter coverage: 87 mm/s
  • Data Acquisition (slices/rotation): 64
  • 0 MHU X-Ray tube: STRATON with 5 MHU/min cooling rate
  • Generator peak power: 80 kW
  • CARE Dose4D
Siemens Sensation 64

Siemens Sensation 64

Type: CT
Brand: Siemens
Model: 64 Slice
Description: The reconditioned Siemens SOMATOM Sensation 64 is a whole body, high-resolution 64-slice CT system, and features a high routine isotropic resolution of 0.33mm, allowing it to visualize the smallest pathology including complex inner ear bones and joints with outstanding quality. the Siemens SOMATOM Sensation 64 is equipped with Siemens'exclusive CARE Dose 4D technology, which reduces patient radiation dose by nearly 70%.

Key Features

  • Economical 64-slice CT system
  • High-definition image quality with less dose and efficient workflow
  • Excellent cardiac imaging and workflow efficiency with an integrated gating system
  • Trusted performance with high uptime
  • NEMA XR-29 Smart Dose Standard compliant
  • SafeCT Low-dose Solution
  • Configuration: Multislice helical
  • # of slices: 64
  • Power: 380-480 VAC, 3-phase, 63-111 kVA
  • Siting Requirements: 24 m2 (floor space needed)

Equipment Specs

  • 0.33mm isotropic resolution (standard)
  • 0.24mm isotropic resolution (with z-UHR option)
  • Cardiac imaging rotation time of .33 seconds
  • UDF detector
  • Spiral artifact-free imaging
  • STRATON X-ray tube technology
  • z-Sharp technology
  • Routine exam detection of soft plaques
  • 70% reduction in radiation dose
  • Sub-millimeter coverage: 87 mm/s
  • Data Acquisition (slices/rotation): 64
  • 0 MHU X-Ray tube: STRATON with 5 MHU/min cooling rate
  • Generator peak power: 80 kW
  • CARE Dose4D

Disclaimer: The information on this page is meant to be an overview, check with the OEM for complete accurate specifications and features.

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