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Refurbished MRIs: Siemens Skyra 3T MRI Review

For administrators in the market for 3T MRIs, don’t overlook the formidable Siemens Skyra 3T MRI, priced at much more reasonable costs than new machines. Our Siemens Skyra 3T MRI review aims to showcase the leap to a higher definition, utilizing 3T power to balance superior image quality with smooth and quick operational efficiency that allows for a wide range of clinical applications.

Benefits of Choosing a Refurbished Siemens Skyra 3T MRI

Refurbished MRI machines like the Siemens Skyra 3T MRI provide immense value to administrators working within budget constraints. Our Siemens Skyra 3T MRI review provides many compelling reasons for hospital and clinical administrators to consider a refurbished model:

  • Cost Savings: The most significant advantage of choosing refurbished equipment lies in the potential for substantial cost savings. Generally, a refurbished Siemens Skyra 3T MRI prices at about 40-60% less than new units, enabling facilities to invest in higher-tier equipment without breaking the bank.
  • Quality Assurance: Refurbished doesn’t mean compromised quality. At Mansa Medical, we adhere to stringent refurbishing processes to ensure our machines meet or exceed original manufacturer specifications.
  • Warranty and Service: Mansa Medical provides warranties for all our refurbished MRIs. This warranty includes parts and labor, ensuring peace of mind for administrators concerned about potential maintenance costs.
  • Environmental Impact: By opting for a refurbished MRI, administrators contribute positively to the environment by reducing electronic waste and promoting recycling.
  • Upgrade Opportunities: The cost savings from purchasing a refurbished machine can be used to invest in advanced features or additional equipment, allowing your facility to offer a broader range of services.


When budgets are tight, purchasing a refurbished MRI such as the Siemens Skyra 3T from a trusted provider like Mansa Medical can offer the right balance between cost savings, high-quality imaging, and reliable performance. Get in touch with us to learn more about our refurbished MRIs and how they can enhance your medical imaging services while respecting your budget.


A Detailed Look at the Specs

Mansa Medical’s Siemens Skyra 3T MRI review showcases impressive specifications. With a 3T magnet strength and 70 cm bore size, this MRI scanner fits large patients comfortably, not to mention its 250kg weight limit. The 204 coil elements come together to render high-resolution images that consistently improve radiologists’ diagnostic confidence. 

Diving into the power of 3T MRI machines, the Siemens Skyra distinguishes in a number of ways. The entire system runs quickly and renders images smoothly utilizing a 48-channel system that processes data from the 48 receiver coils simultaneously:

  • Offers greater signal sensitivity and flexibility
  • Sharper image quality
  • Faster scan times 
  • More accurate diagnosis

 The 60/200 gradient ratio means that (60) refers to the strength of the gradient in milliTesla per meter (mT/m), while the second number (200) indicates the slew rate measured in Tesla per meter per second (T/m/s), leading to faster and more precise imaging. 

The TIM (Total Imaging Matrix) system represents Siemens’ fourth generation of integrated coil technology, which enables flexible coil combinations and allows whole-body imaging without the need for patient repositioning. Finally, the Dot (Day Optimizing Throughput) Engines provide guided patient setup, personalized exam strategies, and automated image acquisition and processing, resulting in fewer rescans, more consistent image quality, and a boost in productivity.

Equipment Specs:

  • Greater patient comfort with 70 cm open bore and compact system design.
  • TIM (Total Imaging Matrix) optimizes clinician’s workflows for 50% higher productivity
  • Industry-leading diagnostic applications and technologies for clinical routine and research
  • DirectRF – digital in/out for higher signal purity and improved stability.
  • TrueForm design for optimized homogeneity volumes matching the true form of the body
  • Equipped with TIM Dockable Table
  • Bore Size: 70 cm open bore design
  • Magnet Length: 163 cm
  • System Length: 173 cm
  • System Weight (in operation): 7.3 tons
  • Minimum Room Size: 31 m² / 334 sq. ft.
  • RF TIM: [204×48], [204×64], [204×128]
  • Gradient Strength: XQ gradients (45 mT/m @ 200 T/m/s)

Reviewing the Siemens Skyra 3T MRI Capabilities

The Siemens Skyra 3T MRI stands tall among its competitors, offering a comprehensive range of capabilities. It delivers unparalleled patient comfort, vastly improved imaging, and expanded clinical applications. With the addition of BioMatrix technology, Siemens Skyra 3T MRI adapts to patient anatomy, providing consistent, high-quality imaging for all patient types.

From general imaging to more specific applications like Cardiac MRI, Musculoskeletal MRI, and NeuroImaging, the Skyra’s capabilities cover an impressive range. It accommodates anatomical coverage of large areas with the integrated coil technology, and its ultra-short bore and illuminated mood lighting create a more patient-friendly atmosphere. Putting patients’ comfort first helps to set your office apart from competitors.

The Power of 3T over 1.5T

The choice between a 3T and 1.5T MRI largely hinges on clinical needs and budget constraints. Yet, the advantages of 3T MRIs, such as the Siemens Skyra, might tip the scales in their favor. 3T machines double the magnetic field strength of 1.5T machines, providing a significantly higher signal-to-noise ratio, which ends up providing a couple important features:

  • Enhanced image quality
  • Better fat-suppression
  • Improved spatial resolution
  • Faster Scanning Times
  • Support applications requiring high resolution such as neuroimaging, orthopedics, and small joint imaging

Siemens Skyra 3T MRI Price

It’s well worth the investment in a refurbished Siemens Skyra 3T MRI given its broad capabilities and high image quality. On average, refurbished units range from $500,000 to $750,000, which includes delivery, installation, and a one-year warranty.

At Mansa Medical, we take pride in offering the best value in refurbished MRIs. Explore our extensive MRI, CT and Pet equipment catalog to find the perfect fit for your facility. Remember, purchasing a refurbished MRI not only saves money but also contributes to the environment by reusing and recycling medical equipment.

Refurbished vs. Used: Understanding the Difference

While the terms “used” and “refurbished” often get used interchangeably, they signify two very different product conditions. A used MRI machine merely implies previous ownership, with no guarantees on its condition or reliability.

A refurbished MRI machine, however, gets restored to its original factory condition through a comprehensive refurbishment process, which includes extensive testing where we replace worn out parts and run a final quality assurance check. Our refurbished MRI machines guarantee reliable performance and longevity that can be maintained indefinitely if properly unkempt at a significantly lower cost than new machines.

For people interested in buying a refurbished Siemens Skyra 3T after reading our review, let us know! We’ll guide you through our comprehensive and transparent equipment purchasing process to make your experience as smooth and simple as possible. Thank you for choosing Mansa Medical for your medical imaging equipment needs!

The Siemens Skyra 3T MRI combines cutting-edge technology, exceptional image quality, and advanced applications to provide a versatile and efficient solution for a wide array of clinical needs at a reasonable price. Its high-resolution imaging, patient comfort, and 3T magnet strength set it apart from competitors.

For hospital and clinical administrators in the market for a robust, reliable, and patient-friendly 3T MRI

The Siemens Skyra stands as a top-tier choice for hospital and clinical administrators in the market for a robust, reliable, and patient-friendly MRI machine. Contact us at Mansa Medical for additional information on our Siemens Skyra 3T MRI review or to elaborate on your MRI needs. We make your patients our priority and will guide you through our process to ensure you make the best possible investment for your facility.