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How Much Does It Cost to Run an MRI Machine? Unveiling the True Costs


Navigating the financial landscape of medical equipment can often be complex. When considering a new device for your office or hospital, factors such as the device itself, its installation and electrical consumption, as well as operations and maintenance fees can make anyone’s head start spinning. That’s a lot of variables! Mansa Medical wants to help you gain a better understanding when asking, “How much does it cost to run an MRI machine?” We’ll help you gain a better understanding of each part of the process to better understand the cost of an MRI machine for your practice.

Delivery and Installation Costs

The first step on your MRI journey concerns delivery and installation. Bigger devices require larger delivery vehicles, and the location of your operation definitely factors into the cost of an MRI being delivered. Costs can vary on the initial site inspection, de-installation of a pre-existing machine, and site planning and installation for your new MRI machine (1).

Generally, you should expect to budget between $20,000 to $100,000 for this stage. Mansa Medical’s process simplifies this transition, providing an all-inclusive service that spans from delivery to full setup and operation. Mobile MRIs can reduce installation costs and also allow for doctors to reach patients that couldn’t otherwise come into the office.

Operations Costs: Refurbished Vs New MRI Machine

When you’re considering how much does it cost to run an MRI machine, the operating costs play an essential factor, but there are two routes you can go—new or refurbished.

  • New MRI Machine: Brand new machines equip their users with the latest technology and advanced features, but these features come with a hefty price tag! New MRI machines often range from $1,000,000 to 3,000,000, and then you add in ongoing operational costs, causing this number to climb up an additional $100,000 to $150,000 per year (2). However, that huge upfront cost can be cut down significantly by purchasing refurbished.
  • Refurbished MRI Machine: Opting for a refurbished MRI machine from Mansa Medical provides significant savings upfront. Prices fall between $150,000 and $500,000 depending on the make and model your practice needs. 0.3T low field open models often come much cheaper, but don’t have the processing powers of the higher 1.5T MRI machines and 3T MRI scanners that produce extraordinary images. The operation costs actually fall into about the same price range of newer models, ranging between $50,000 to $100,000 annually.

Power Consumption and Cost

The power consumption of an MRI machine is dependent on its magnetic field strength, measured in Tesla (T). Here’s the typical monthly power usage for various MRI machines with the state average of 0.23/kWh in the US:

  • A 0.3T MRI machine uses approximately 6,500 kWh/month. This means it costs around $1,500/mo.
  • 1.5T machines consume around 18,000 kWh/month, leading to the average cost of around $4,140 monthly.
  • 3T MRI machines can reach up to 36,000 kWh/month, which could cost up to $8,280 per month.

Remember, these numbers vary depending on your practice’s location. Some states kWh can be as low as 0.10¢ to 0.12¢ per hour. That alone could cut these costs in half. Check here to learn more about your state’s average pricing for a kilowatt hour

Maintenance Costs: New Vs Refurbished MRI Machines

As you ask how much does it cost to run an MRI machine, regular maintenance plays a crucial role in your machine’s lifespan and performance. Whether new or refurbished, these machines require consistent upkeep, averaging between $2,000 to $5,000 monthly. Most manufacturers recommend servicing them regularly to avoid bigger costs down the road if something malfunctions. Mansa Medical’s high-quality reconditioned MRI machines undergo rigorous inspections and maintenance to ensure top-tier performance, making maintenance frequency and costs on par with those of new machines.

The Necessity of Monthly Maintenance

Regularly undergoing maintenance for your MRI machine does more than ensuring efficient operation—it provides critical safety for both your patients and staff. Regular checks allow for early detection and resolution of potential issues, preventing unexpected machine downtime, and maintaining the quality of imaging your facility needs to provide superior patient care.

MRI Staffing Costs: A Key Component to Consider

While the operational costs of the MRI machine itself are crucial, it’s important to also consider the human resources involved in running your imaging department.

To fully-staff an MRI department, you’ll need a radiologist, radiologic technologist (RT), and support staff. While the cost of these roles varies on their experience, location, and complexity of the procedures performed, these costs should be factored in as well:

  • Radiologist: The national average salary for a Radiologist is around $418,000 per year (3).
  • Radiologic Technologist: An RT operates the MRI machine and guides patients through the imaging process and makes approximately $60,000 per year.
  • Support Staff: This area stacks up quickly too! The support staff necessary for MRI machines include receptionists, schedulers, and billing coordinators that keep the operation running smoothly. Their average salaries range between $30,000 and $45,000 a year.


The staffing and MRI department can add half a million dollars yearly to the cost of an MRI machine facility. Remember, these costs and figures vary by state and experience, but knowledge is half the battle!

Recapping the Cost of Running Your MRI Machine

When asking how much does it cost to run an MRI machine, we must consider a wide range of factors, including installation, operation, power consumption, and maintenance costs. The journey of owning and maintaining an MRI machine requires some comprehensive endeavors, but at Mansa Medical, we’ll guide you through every step. For further questions and personalized assistance, please contact us today! Our team is ready to help you make the best decision for your facility’s needs and budget.


  1. Heartland Imaging Centers: Why Are MRI’s So Expensive at Hospitals?
  2. The Street: How Much Does an MRI Cost?
  3. Insurance Noon: How Much Does An MRI Cost Without Insurance?