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Why Buy Pre-owned MRI Equipment?

The cost of MRI machines in the USA and other countries can create a significant financial investment for healthcare providers. Fortunately, buying pre-owned or refurbished medical imaging equipment offers a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality. Since the cost for a Low Field Open MRI, 1.5T MRI, 3T MRI, and a Mobile MRI can vary, please contact us directly to discuss your financing options.

Let’s discuss the benefits of buying used MRI machines for sale and provide some tips on what to consider when choosing a refurbished MRI machine for your facility.


Benefits of Buying Pre-owned MRI Equipment

  • Cost Savings

One of the primary reasons healthcare providers choose pre-owned MRI machines when looking into medical equipment financing lies in the potential for significant cost savings. Pre-owned MRI equipment can cost anywhere between 40% to 70% less than a brand-new machine, depending on factors like age, condition, and manufacturer. This lower price point allows healthcare facilities to allocate their budget towards other essential resources or equipment (1).


  • High-Quality Imaging

Refurbished MRI machines undergo a thorough inspection, cleaning, and calibration process, ensuring they meet the manufacturer’s original specifications. Pre-owned MRI equipment still provides high-quality imaging, comparable to that of new MRI machines for sale, while offering significant cost savings (2).


  • Faster Return on Investment

Due to the lower initial investment, pre-owned MRI machines offer a faster return on investment (ROI) compared to new equipment. This especially benefits smaller healthcare facilities or those with limited budgets. It allows them to quickly recoup their investment and generate revenue.


  • Environmentally Friendly

Purchasing used medical imaging equipment can also be seen as a more environmentally friendly option, as it extends the life of the machine and reduces waste. By choosing refurbished equipment, healthcare providers contribute to a more sustainable and eco-conscious approach to medical equipment management.


What to Consider When Buying Pre-owned MRI Equipment

Here at Mansa Medical, we provide you with peace of mind and security when choosing the right diagnostic imaging for your office’s needs! 


  • Reputation of the Supplier

When purchasing pre-owned MRI equipment, choose a reputable and reliable supplier. Look for a provider with a proven track record, positive customer reviews, and a commitment to quality to help ensure you receive a high-quality machine that meets your needs reliably (3). 


  • Warranty and Support

Inquire about the warranty and support options provided by the supplier before making your purchase. A comprehensive warranty and ongoing support provide peace of mind and protect your investment, ensuring any issues that may arise are quickly resolved.


  • Software and Hardware Upgrades

Check if the machine has been upgraded with the latest software and hardware when buying pre-owned MRI equipment. This can help ensure optimal performance, compatibility with newer technologies, and compliance with industry standards. When you buy a used MRI machine for sale from Mansa Medical, we’ll update and service your machine so that it’s ready to install and use immediately!


How Much is a MRI Machine New?

New MRI machines can cost up to a million dollars or more! The top-end models go even higher, reaching prices near $3 million. The maintenance, software, and program updates often cost more as well. Fortunately, a well-serviced and maintained MRI machine will last indefinitely. Save money on used imaging equipment from Mansa Medical!



Purchasing pre-owned MRI equipment through Mansa Medial provides a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for healthcare professionals looking to invest in high-quality diagnostic imaging technology. By carefully considering factors like supplier reputation, warranty, machine age, and upgrades, healthcare facilities can find reliable and efficient refurbished medical imaging equipment that meets their needs and budget. Choose to purchase your refurbished MRI equipment with Mansa Medical to enjoy significant savings, a faster ROI, and high-quality imaging without compromising patient care. Contact us today!

  1. Physician agency, consumerism, and the consumption of lower-limb MRI scans
  2. Body MRI
  3. Is Refurbished Imaging Equipment Right for You?