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Mansa Medical, a leading provider of turnkey fixed and mobile diagnostic imaging equipment, has acquired US Mobile Imaging, Inc. (USMI) located in Bedford, PA. US Mobile Imaging was a pioneer in developing mobile MRI, CT and PET solutions in West Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio for federal institutions, regional hospitals, and private imaging centers for over 16 years.

“Mansa is excited to welcome the individuals that have carried USMI’s pristine reputation over the last 16 years and look forward to expanding capabilities to better serve communities and patients, said Mansa Medical President, Fred Rodgers. “This is a great partnership blending Mansa’s experience, equipment resources, and service capabilities with USMI’s ability to fully support outpatient mobile centers,” Rodgers continued. “We can customize imaging solutions to fit any of our clients’ needs. We have our own trucks, equipment, technicians, radiologists, service engineers and more. There is nothing we can’t do to support our clients’ imaging needs and we are fortunate that we have such dedicated, experienced, ethically grounded personnel to execute these services. Mansa is going to help a lot of clients, communities, and ultimately patients get the medical technology and attention they deserve.” 

Through this new acquisition Mansa Medical will expand its mobile fleet, enhance its support for clients and accelerate its mission to supply the technology, dependability, and experience necessary for facilities to serve their patients in a way that inspires comfort, confidence, and hope