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The Benefits of Mobile MRI Machines:

Expanding Access to Advanced Imaging Technology

Not all healthcare facilities have the space or budget to house a permanent MRI machine. For smaller or remote facilities, Mansa Medical offers used medical imaging equipment as a flexible and cost-effective solution for healthcare providers needing advanced imaging technology for both analysis and diagnosis purposes (1). Let’s explore the key benefits of mobile MRI machines and how they can contribute to the overall improvement of patient care.


Increased Accessibility

One of the main benefits of mobile MRI trailers comes from their ability to bring advanced imaging technology to remote or underserved areas. By deploying mobile MRI units, healthcare providers make mobile MRI services accessible to patients who may otherwise have to travel long distances to receive diagnostic imaging. Nearly half of the patients diagnosed with brain injuries experience complications during transport, and many other patients face similar struggles! The increased accessibility for struggling patients helps providers serve rural areas and creates different options for clinics with limited space needing to create room for an MRI facility (2).

Cost-Effective Solution

Mobile MRI machines often cost less than their stationary counterparts upfront, but their upkeep may cost more over their lifespan considering that they may move long distances depending on the practitioner’s needs. Regardless, for healthcare facilities with budget constraints or limited space, investing in a mobile MRI unit can provide a cost-effective alternative to building a dedicated MRI suite while still offering high-quality diagnostic imaging services. Mansa Medical’s refurbished mobile MRI machines offer even greater cost savings without compromising on performance or reliability for years to come.


Portable MRI machines can be easily transported and set up at various locations. Their maneuverability offers healthcare providers the flexibility to meet their patients’ needs beyond the office.  Rural practitioners often find mobility extremely helpful when providing mobile diagnostic imaging to patients who struggle moving long distances. This flexibility can also be particularly valuable during times of increased demand, such as during a public health crisis, or when a healthcare facility is undergoing renovations or equipment upgrades.

Reduced Patient Waiting Times

By deploying mobile MRI units, healthcare providers help reduce patient waiting times for diagnostic imaging. Faster access to MRI scans can lead to quicker diagnosis and treatment, improving overall patient care and outcomes. With increased patient throughput, the practitioner will have more time to help more people daily, which in turn helps them meet their ROI quicker.

Efficient Use of Resources

Mobile MRI machines allow healthcare providers to make the most of their resources by sharing equipment between multiple facilities (3). This can be particularly beneficial for smaller hospitals or clinics that may not have the patient volume to justify a dedicated MRI machine but still require access to advanced imaging technology. Supplement your small business with an MRI trailer for sale today!

Continuity of Care During Equipment Upgrades

Mobile MRI machines help provide continuity of care during equipment upgrades or when a facility’s stationary MRI machine is undergoing maintenance. By having a mobile MRI unit on hand, healthcare providers ensure that patients continue to have access to diagnostic imaging services, minimizing disruptions to patient care.


Mansa Medical supplies practitioners with refurbished Mobile MRIs for sale that offer numerous benefits, including increased accessibility, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, reduced patient waiting times, efficient use of resources, and continuity of care during equipment upgrades. By investing in mobile imaging trailers, healthcare providers expand access to advanced imaging technology and improve overall patient care. Refurbished mobile MRI machines provide a cost-effective solution for healthcare facilities looking to offer high-quality diagnostic imaging services beyond the examination room without compromising on performance or reliability.

  1. The ultimate guide to Mobile MRI machines
  2. Portable MRI device reduces time for diagnosing traumatic brain injuries
  3. Cost Effectiveness of Mobile versus Fixed Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Systematic Review