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A Strategic Move for Your Practice

Keeping up with the evolving healthcare landscape requires constant updating of medical equipment. But does this mean you have to drain your coffers? Not necessarily. Welcome to the world of medical equipment financing!


The Rationale Behind Financing for Medical Equipment

Medical practices and healthcare establishments often grapple with the challenge of balancing top-notch care provision and economic feasibility. Financing for medical equipment can be the bridge that connects these two aspects, fostering both patient satisfaction and practice growth. So, how can it save you money without spending a lot upfront?
Purchasing MRI, CT, or ultrasound machines outright can be a hefty burden on any healthcare provider’s budget. Yet, by embracing medical equipment financing with Mansa Medical, you can distribute this financial weight across manageable monthly payments, easing your initial spending (1).


Benefits of Medical Equipment Financing

Medical equipment financing comes with a plethora of benefits. By lightning your initial financial investment, you gain flexibility that can be used to make your businesses operations more efficient:

  • Stay Ahead of the Technological Curve: As medical technology progresses, keeping equipment up-to-date should be prioritized. Medical equipment financing allows you to invest in the latest technologies without substantial upfront costs, improving patient care and outcomes.
  • Promote Efficient Cash Flow Management: By converting large capital expenditure into predictable monthly payments, medical equipment financing aids in efficient cash flow management, freeing up funds for other critical business operations.
  • Find Flexible Terms That Work: Many financing companies offer flexible terms tailored to your specific needs, which can further ease your financial commitment. Mansa Medical wants to help hospital and clinical administrators and owners purchase needed equipment without spending all their practices’ savings. Financing with dealerships often proves better than financing with banks (2).
  • Preserve Credit Lines: By opting for medical equipment financing, you can keep your other lines of credit open for emergencies or other business needs. As everyone in business knows, anticipating the unexpected keeps companies afloat.
  • Gain Potential Tax Benefits: Can you write off medical equipment financing for your business/office? Absolutely. Under Section 179 of the IRS tax code, you may be eligible to deduct the full or partial cost of certain types of business equipment, including financed medical equipment (3).


Why Choose Mansa Medical for Your Equipment Financing Needs

Here at Mansa Medical, we understand the intricacies of healthcare practices. Our robust purchasing process provides our clients with budget-friendly solutions so that they can afford a state-of-the-art CT, MRI, or ultrasound scanner while maintaining great business practices. Don’t give up aspects like advertising, amenities, or income for your diagnostic imaging needs. We commit ourselves to helping make your financing for medical imaging equipment a reality.


A Comprehensive Range of Equipment

Our dedication goes beyond just providing medical equipment financing for our devices. At Mansa Medical, we boast a comprehensive range of advanced medical imaging equipment that can transform your service delivery, enhance patient experience, and boost your practice’s reputation.
Our refurbished CT, MRI, and ultrasound machines help clinics and hospitals avoid dipping into their savings. Talk with us today to learn about the different services we provide to keep your costs low and profits high.


Start Your Journey with Mansa Medical

Ready to explore the world of medical equipment financing and see firsthand how it can revolutionize your healthcare practice? Get in touch with the team at Mansa Medical today. Financing for medical equipment doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Together, we can make your practice thrive.

  1. Physicians Practice: How alternative funding can help medical practices upgrade equipment
  2. Smarter Finance USA: How much are medical equipment financing rates? 
  3. Internal Revenue Service: Section 179